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Lie To Me !!
Lie To Me
you post 3 things about yourself, people guess which is the lie.
So me
1) I sailed around the world singled handed.
2) I got bitten by a snake that fell out of the sky while riding a motorbike.
3) I put an axe into my foot twice trying to kill a snake.
which is the lie?
Zog 1 and Snard 2
1) I had a small stone in my hand for a couple of years.
2) I won a pie eating contest in my early twenties.
3) I dropped out of high school as a Junior.
well, you're right. it was number one.
Snard 2 (I think it was slabbed)
narfstar 1 (I think foot rather than hand)
1) I once shot a deer in the eye at 500 yrds
2) The first beer I ever brewed was a German Hefeweizen
3) I once had a cat named "Dawg" and a bird named "Charlie"
Amicus 1
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