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file numbering format
I might be wrong, but I believe the files would have to downloaded, have the name changed, then re-uploaded to the site.
The best bet is just rename the file when you download it. Sounds simple, but is the least time consuming option. Trust me, downloading, fixing/renaming and re-uploading is a time consuming process.
This is interesting from the perspective that 1) I do rename all of the files once downloaded, and 2) I was one of the members who helped rebuild the old GAC site (post Yoc) when it experienced an catastrophic melt-down. One of the massive hassles of that effort included a heap of files (thousands, all in one directory) with unidentifyable names. You had to open each one, ID it, rename it, then re-upload it into the appropriate directory. I don't know enough about DCM to know that there is any risk of that, but, what a mess GAC had!!
I do echo the comments about the difficulties of trying to establish a standard, and the efforts that it would take to rename the files to conform once you had it.
But, just for grins, what are some of your personal naming formats? I always look for my books to naturally sort to the order in which they were published, so use the following format:
YYYY-MM_TITLE (v#) iss# [page count] Poster.cbz
With the page count, it will either be [c2c 36p] or [56 of 68p]. This way, I will know if upgrades come out. If it is a fiche scan, the issue # will be followed by an "F". I haven't worked out a good method of handling mixed paper/fiche files.
I would be interested in hearing other takes. I know some folks put the publisher in there as well.
John C:
--- Quote from: sevengates on May 16, 2013, 08:27:51 AM ---My point, which perhaps I did not make clearly, was that once downloaded, some files are hard to even identify or find. Afterall, there are quite a few files at DCM with names like "erwt23ter(sfe).cbr" or "3553___et___wrt.cbr" or even "00.cbr".
--- End quote ---
Ah...I forgot about those. Sorry about that.
Nobody does that on purpose, and no scanner or uploader selected those names. Some part of the system crashed, a long while ago, and the database lost the upload names.
Unfortunately, as Movielover points out, the "solution" is to download it, rename it, and upload it again. We occasionally try to run a dragnet through them, though, so please keep track of the ones you find, since we can't see them without downloading, and we don't want to download the books automatically to check them, since that costs us in bandwidth.
ML is correct. The file names (the name of the actual file as it appears when it's finally downloaded to your hard drive) is not set by DCM but by the original uploaders. To change them would be a Massive undertaking.
I too have some ideas about future uploads but for now the only solution is for users to rename downloaded files for their own future use.
I sure wish there was a fast easy solution. But if there were the arguments about what the name rules should be could be nasty too.
--- Quote ---But, just for grins, what are some of your personal naming formats? I always look for my books to naturally sort to the order in which they were published, so use the following format:
YYYY-MM_TITLE (v#) iss# [page count] Poster.cbz
With the page count, it will either be [c2c 36p] or [56 of 68p]. This way, I will know if upgrades come out. If it is a fiche scan, the issue # will be followed by an "F". I haven't worked out a good method of handling mixed paper/fiche files.
--- End quote ---
My take on a good comic book file name:
Definitely series title first, complete and with proper spacing between words
Next, issue number, and with volume number if applicable
Next, an indication of completeness, such as c2c or 36p, but just the number of pages in the file usually tells the tale
For the rest, publisher and date are nice
So an example of the simplest file name format would be: The_World's_Biggest_Comics_009_36p_c2c.cbr
A little fancier version with extra info that is not essential: The_World's_Biggest_Comics_017_28p_inc_Charlton_1954.cbr
My only goal is to be able to sort by name, not by publisher or date. For me, that seems the best way to control huge numbers of comic book files.
Anybody got any other approaches that are interesting?
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