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file numbering format

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My standardized filenaming system is

Name of title 0003 [date-xx.publisher](c2c.scanner)

Mark Warner:
This is an interesting idea! My initial thoughts are:

1) The file name is actually held in the database, so an admin page that allowed you to change the name would mean that you would not need to delete and reupload :)

2) I wonder if in fact no "work" needs to be done apart from writing a bit of a script when a user clicks on download to then automatically generate the name. Hmmmm.....

3) On CB+ I am altering .zip to .cbz and .rar to .cbr. Which is cool, BUT the downside to this is that I am creating new file names and am increasing the chances of duplicates. If you were to change all DCM file names then it could potentially lead to some confusion.

4) I think putting the GCD reference number in would be rather nice and also very useful from a programming point of view :)

5) Maybe scanners may not like the file names being messed with. Plus what about all the files that people already have on their harddrives (relates to point 3).

Just pondering ... not sure if it is a good or bad idea. But summat I think we might look at on CB+


--- Quote ---BUT the downside to this is that I am creating new file names and am increasing the chances of duplicates. If you were to change all DCM file names then it could potentially lead to some confusion.
--- End quote ---

On the contrary, I think renaming all files with the single formating standard of putting the series title first would help eliminate confusion and duplicates -- that is because there is so much variation of file name formats currently at DCM that files can't be properly sorted or identified, and in many cases dupes exist already -- certainly in the personal files of downloaders.  I know they do in my files, and it is very time-consuming to sort them out because of weird file name variations, some of them even in code, such as "". 

If DCM automatically renamed every file with series title first, it would allow all files to be sorted precisely, easily identified, and all dupes to be eliminated.  Then in your personal files, after you download a file, when you rename it for your own storage all dupes will show up and can be eliminated.

In short, without getting fancy, please just ask everyone politely to: "Please Put The Series Title First" on every file uploaded.  Thank you for your kind attention.

John C:

--- Quote from: sevengates on May 24, 2013, 07:22:12 AM ---In short, without getting fancy, please just ask everyone politely to:

--- End quote ---

Excuse me.  I tried to be polite about this, and so have others, but apparently you didn't want to hear it.  Excuse me for being a little more blunt.

* Nobody ever typed the names you're talking about.  That was a software glitch.  You're trying to convince imaginary people.
* If you don't like the names, change them when you download.  No two people have the same desired format, so catering to you alienates everybody else.  On the other hand, it's trivial for you to know what each name should look like on your machine.
I don't want to suggest a "when you're paying the server bills every month, you get to make the rules" kind of situation, but as I said, everybody's a volunteer here.  Nobody is going to take direction from someone whose sole contribution to the community, to date, is to declare what they should do.

You've said your piece.  If there really are scanners hand-typing names that aren't useful to you, they've seen your complaint and it's up to them.

It's hard to get consensus on many matters among those in our hobby.  If there were a way to easily (yes, I know, nothing is easy with code writing) automate the upload process to rename the zip/cbz files as they were uploaded.  I've even suggested a format to our head code writer but in the grand scheme of running the site it's not near the top of his list.  There are several other features that we would rather he work on to improve the site before trying to tackle this one.
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter Seven but for now we are just happy to have members wanting to share their scans.  We aren't going to criticize them for their file name formatting.


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