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Miss Fury

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Dynamite is reviving her in the Masks series. Is Miss Fury in the public domain??
What about the Timely reprints of the Bell Syndicate strip in particular? Just wondering.

darkmark (RIP):
Whether she is or isn't, uploading those old Timely issues would bring the frowning attention of Marvel.  I say, don't do it.

But what about the strips themselves?

Guys, please use JohnC's tutorial for checking and see what you find.
The Timely issues certainly wont be showing up on DCM anytime soon.

I never could find anything that I understood for strips. I do have a suggestion though. I just signed up for King Features www.dailyink.com
and for just 20 dollars a year you can get your choice of comics every day. I now get The Phantom and Spiderman and some others everyday without having to worry about it. This also allows for direct support of to the creators. I read my today's comics just a few minutes ago on my phone. I am already a big fan. An important point to this thread is copyright. KFS has been known as a big defender of its properties. By going on site you can see what they are concerned about. For instance I found that Ozark Ike comics, which are carried here, were renewed. However, they do not appear on Kings new or vintage list so I would say they are safe. Here is the list of unsafe KFS

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith
Beetle Bailey
Big Ben Bolt
Brick Bradford
Bringing up Father
Buz Sawyer
Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon Sundays
Heart of Juliet Jones
Heart of Juliet Jones Sundays
Hi and Lois
Judge Parker
Katzenjammer Kids Sundays
King of The Royal Mounted
Krazy Kat
Little Iodine Sundays
Mandrake the Magician
Mandrake the Magician Sundays
Office Hours
Phantom Sundays
Radio Patrol
Rip Kirby
The Little King


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