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Read .cbz Files on Barnes & Noble Nook Color
Hi Bert,
With a PC right click on the download link and it should list the file type.
Sorry, that's the best we can do. It's very easy to download, extract and re-zip the files for your Nook.
Apple's don't have the same preview option as a PC when you right click on download so I have to take a chance. If its a .cbr I stop the download. Right now .cbr files no matter how I convert them to .cbz do not work on a Nook Color. Yes, a .zip file can be converted to a .cbz easily and read on a Nook Color. Again, thanks to all those who post .zip or .cbz files, I enjoy the reads! Bert
--- Quote from: bert810 on July 16, 2012, 05:28:44 AM ---Apple's don't have the same preview option as a PC when you right click on download so I have to take a chance. If its a .cbr I stop the download. Right now .cbr files no matter how I convert them to .cbz do not work on a Nook Color. Yes, a .zip file can be converted to a .cbz easily and read on a Nook Color. Again, thanks to all those who post .zip or .cbz files, I enjoy the reads! Bert
--- End quote ---
1. Download the .cbr file.
2. Rename the file's extension from .cbr to .rar
3. Extract the .rar file using your favorite archiving software (I use Peazip, unsure if it's available for Mac).
4. Repack the extracted files to a .zip file using your favorite archiving software.
5. Rename the resulting file's extension from .zip to .cbz
This works. If it isn't working you are doing something wrong. Follow my instructions exactly and you'll be good to go. You can also get Perfect Viewer from Google's Play Store and sideload it onto your device. It will read .cbz, .cbr & .pdf (.pdf only with a plug-in). If you can't get the Perfect Viewer installation file (.apk) on your own let me know and I'll link you to it.
Thanks, the steps explained were clear, easy to follow and worked GREAT! After all this time I now have more choices for my Nook Color. WOW!
That's great news bert!
Very glad to hear it. :)
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