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International Comics topic
Had me laughing there: No, no comics before 1950 – just „Der Führer“-trading cards.
But as we Germans do not produce comic books, we are ardent researchers, historians and fans.
There are many collectors in Germany and a big community of Carl Barks aficionados with thousands of members:
paw broon:
This is good. Size isn't everything after all and the USA is the only, I think, country where comics are virtually all the same shape with that portrait style. Other countries comics production really shows the variety of shapes and sizes that have been produced over the years and that includes titles which have changed size and shape dramatically during their published lives.
Tilliban, I have to say that the tradition of European comics featuring historical characters - swordsmen, cowboys, pirates, knights - many of them masked with secret i/d's - and schoolboys/girls, detectives, etc.has been a great source of entertainment to millions for yonks. Many of the titles produced in many European countries were of a very high standard, particularly in the art. I mentioned somewhere else re.your mention of Hansrudi Wachser, that I knew some of his stuff and enjoyed it. It might not be of the same standard as Bill Lacey on Blackshirt or some of the strips featured in L'Audace that I've been looking at on Fumetti Anteguerra on vintagecomicsforum, but enjoyable all the same. In fact, I've seen much, much worse in the pages of some American comics.
I'm not always looking for a Kirby (in fact, I'm still not totally convinced, despite JVJs valliant attempts to set me right) or an Adams, although Bill Lacey, Ron Turner, Don Lawrence, some artists in L'audace, for example,are easily as talented and enjoyable to read, and I really enjoy all those Spanish historical masked men, British produced detectives and cowboys, Italian neri, French graphic novels, Dutch Kapitein Rob and so much more.
Sorry, bit of a ramble. Hope it makes sense. Keep it up, please.
Yay! This is going to be a great thread…
I’m not sure I get all the humour in Tillban’s reply, but I guess he alludes to all the nazism government propagandistic paper material, right? Well, in fact I wasn’t strictly speaking of the late 1930s/1940s, but I was thinking of any possible german or german-tradition-inspired comic (I hereby use the word "comic" to set a generic word, good for all countries, although I think the italian "fumetti" is a lot better, but it has a different meaning in english).
After all, we can say The Katzenjammer Kids is as much as a german strip as it is american, and its contribution to the development of the medium has been huge. It was already published in italy on "Il Corriere dei Piccoli" since its first issue (in 1908). The title represented mostly italian bourgeois culture, as opposed to other titles experimenting and alternating foreign and italian material.
And – Paw Broom will allow me – Jack Kirby’s output (especially in his maturity) is imbued with so much austro-european storytelling heritage, myths and folklore, to be considered european as well. In particular, no american-born artist could have conceived a character like Agatha Harkness, or – coming to Tilliban – a certain kind of horror stories.
True, the character of Witchboy (from the pages of DC's "The Demon") is imbued with references to early euro-american protestantisim but the whole series in some ways feels like something straight out of the middle ages thrown in the practical american frame of mind.
And we were entering the 1970s. Jack was clearly a genius, but let's not forget he was austrian in heritage. :)
Jacovitti: Pippo and the dictator (published in comic book slightly after the war, but drawn in 1945): Jacovitti was then 22, and he already orchestrated the tales of his personal "kid gang" ("Pippo, Pertica and Palla") with daring incoscience, among the (also spiritual) ruins of post-war italy.
I still have to purchase that story, which has also been reprinted a few times. Even the first edition is not expensive.
paw broon:
Excellent vaillant. One of many landscape comics. Love that format.
As for Kirby, I have never considered him or his work in that way. I should explain that some of us fans here in Scotland don't hold Mr. Kirby in quite the same esteem as you and most on this site. We haven't quite figured out what made him so great and tend to place certain other artists higher in terms of our reading enjoyment Doesn't mean I don't love lots of his comics. But I will now have to re-think a couple of things after reading your comments.
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