General Category > Artist Spotting
Who is this Mystery Artist #2? - from Daredevil Battles Hitler #1
Here is the second mystery artist as featured in the second chapter of Daredevil Vs Hitler (Daredevil #1)
GCD lists the artists in this as follows -
We'd like to examine each artist in their own topic.
GCD says
Chapter 2 'The Claw Double Crosses Hitler':
Pencils: Charles Biro? Inks: Jack Cole?
Our own Eric here thinks this chapter two is possibly Edd Ashe but he's not sure at all.
Here are pages from chapter one. What do YOU think?
If you need more pages to look at you can start reading the story from this link -
Here are some pages from the story - who do YOU think is the artist?
Charles Biro did the cover, and the interior Hitler seems much like the cover so did Biro do the other art as well.
Time to post an answer to this puzzler ; )
I'm not certain that anyone really KNOWS, talia. It's not like Car Talk where they give a Puzzler to which they have the answer. Like all too may Golden Age comics, the truth may never be known...
FWIW, if I HAD to guess, I'd probably say Irv Tirman. Why? I can't explain it, but that's who I'd say.
Hmm… Now that I have a few paper Daredevils and I’m more familiar with Biro style I would exclude pretty firmly the option of Biro penciling this. Biro, even when he drew quickly had a stronger sense of composition – and depth of field (although he tended often to leave panels empty, beside the characters and a few furniture or surroundings).
The inking style looks closer to Cole's however, but I would not say for sure. Also, the pencils does not seem his work.
I have a pair of Cole’s stories (one is the origin of the Claw, on Daredevil), and it looks a little more "dynamic"… :?
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