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Publication Quality Scans?

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There are still a ton of unscanned books from the 40s and 50s out there that have not been scanned yet. I for one am grateful for any scan of some of these rare books, let alone worrying about the dpi. Luckily we have found several collectors/scanners over the years  that are willing to donate their books and/or sacrifice their rare books on the bloody Altar Of Scanning. :) For example Spirit #22-was that guy crazy or what? ;)

Even worse was Wham 2 poor Henry

Hey, in the case of some of my Fox Giants I literally removed the staples and took off the cover to get better scans.  And the one slabbed book I ever bought- a 9.6 file copy- was out of the slab and on the scanner within an hour of getting it.  (And since it was a glued spine, not stapled, there was no chance of keeping it in that grade.) 

Kudos to ALL who are willing to scan.  And that goes x5 for JVJ, who is willing for OTHERS to scan.

I just wanted to add, that 150 dpi scans CAN be scaled up, and provide acceptable results for printing with a little work. Here's the first page of Daredevil Battles Hitler #1 from this site, that I upscaled, and was printed (in B&W) on page 46 of Alter Ego #103: http://www.goldenagegraphics.net/misc/DDHitler_Ch01-01.jpg

It isn't as good as a 300 dpi scan would have been, but it works. Now, I've compared scans VERY closely, and I personally can't tell any significant difference between a native 600 dpi scan of comic book art and a upscaled 300 dpi scan. Academically I know that 600 dpi is always better, but for practical purposes (scanning time, disc storage space, etc.), I believe that 300 dpi is the optimum resolution in most cases.*

(*The one exception I would say applies would be SUPER-fine line artists like Lou Fine, whose finest brush work can be tricky to capture properly even at 600 dpi.)


Also, if anybody ever needs higher res. copies of my scans, I do keep 300 dpi masters of everything I've posted here, and would be glad to share.



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