General Category > Comic Related Discussion
Complete Collections...
Completed title this past week -
There two are technically compete but with some fiche.
Quality's HIT COMICS (some fiche) and Nedor's POPULAR ROMANCE!
Thanks to everyone who has helped compete there. Now if we could only find those missing fiche issues of Hit Comics.
Tsk Tsk...
We haven't been updating this all important topic!
Recently complete Standard titles from Titansfan..
Freckles 006 (1947 Series)
Tuffy (1949 Series)
and this title just today by BuilderBoy...
Midnight (Ajax 1957 Series)
Congrats to everyone for finishing these titles off!
Goofy Comics 009 completes the run of this Nedor title on the site!
Thanks to all the scanners out there for their work.
I can't help in the non-comedy genres, but can for the following Funny Animal and cartoony human-figure comedy series:
(1) Ace Magazines:
"Fun Time (Giant)" needs only #2, "Monkeyshines Comics" needs only #11, and "Scream Comics" needs only #8
(2) ACG/Creston:
"Giggle/Spencer Spook", "Ha Ha/Tee Pee Tim", "Hi-Jinx Comics" and "The Kilroys" and "Cookie" are all complete. "Funny Films" needs only #29. "Moon Mullins" needs only #6.
(3) Ajax/Farrell/Four Star Publications:
"Billy Bunny", "Hi-Ho Comics", "Frisky Animals On Parade", "Madhouse", "Mighty Bear", "Spunky/Mighty Ghost/Super Spook", "Super Cat", and "Sweetie Pie" are all complete.
"Bughouse" needs only #3.
(4) Archie/MLJ:
"Fauntleroy", "Jolly Jingles", "Top-Notch Laugh/Laugh Comix", "Jackpot Comics", "Super Duck"(PD portion of Series), "Wilbur"(PD portion) are all complete.
(5) Avon Periodicals:
"Funny Tunes", and "Merry Mouse" are complete.
"Peter Rabbit" needs only #s 2 & 20, "Space Mouse/Space Comics" needs only "Space Mouse" #s 2 & 5.
(6) Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines:
"Goofy Comics", "Happy Rabbit Comics", "Jiggs & Maggie", "Dizzy Duck", Lucky Duck", "Real Funnies", "Sniffy The Pup", "Spunky", "Supermouse", "Television Comics", "Tuffy", and "Willie The Penguin" are complete.
"Happy Comics" needs only #3, "Barnyard Comics" need only #4, and #s 3, 12, & 16 missing few pages, "Buster Bunny" needs #s 8,12 & 15, "Coo Coo Comics" needs only #s 9, 55 & 60.
(7) Charlton Comics Group:
"Atomic Mouse", "Atom The Cat", "Atomic Rabbit/Atomic Bunny", "Eh!", "Funny Animals"(Charlton portion of run), "Hillbilly Comics", "Jack-In-The-Box Comics", "Li'l Genius", "Li'l Tomboy", "Timmy The Timid Ghost", "Tom Cat", and "Zoo Funnies", and "Timmy The Timid Ghost" Bluebird giveaway series, are all complete.
(8} Columbia Comics, Corp:
"Sparky Watts" and "Big Shot Comics" are complete. "Mickey Finn" needs only #s 8, 9, 14 & 15.
(9) Comic Media:
"Noodnik" needs only #s 2 & 4.
(10) Dell Comics/Western Pub:
"Andy Hardy", "Animal Comics", "Beany and Cecil", "Charlie McCarthy", "Dunc & Loo", "Fairy Tale Parade", "Gerald McBoing-Boing/Mr.Magoo", "Henry Aldrich", "Howdy Doody", "Little Scouts", "Mr. Magoo", "Rootie Kazootie", "Smitty", and "Winnie Winkle" are all complete.
"Dell Junior Treasury" needs only #s 1 & 8.
(11) D.S. Publishing:
"Elsie The Cow", and "Let's Pretend" are complete.
(12) Eastern Color Printing Co:
"Big Chief Wahoo" needs only #s 4 & 6, "Jingle Jangle Comics" is complete, except #5 is missing a few pages. "Mickey Finn" needs only #s 1 & 2.
(13) Fawcett Publications:
"Animal Fair", "Comic Comics", "Fawcett's Funny Animals"(PD portion of Series), "George Pal's Puppetoons", "Ozzie & Babs", and "Pinhead & Foodini" are all complete except for non-PD portions.
(14) Fiction House: "Toyland Comics" is complete.
(15) Fox Feature Syndicate:
"All Top Comics", "Junior Comics", "Meet Corliss Archer", "Romeo Tubbs", and "Sunny" are all complete.
"Cosmo Cat" needs only #9. "Jo-Jo Comics" needs only #13 (IF that number was issued). "Li'l Pan" needs only #8. "Ribtickler Comics" need only #s 3 & 4, plus its 1945 unnumbered Giant comic. "Krazy Life/Nutty Life/Wotalife Comics" needs only Wotalife #s 3,6-8, and 10. "Zoot Comics" needs only #4.
(16) Harvey Comics:
"Humphrey Comics", and "Nutty Comics" are complete.
"Clown Comics" needs only #s 1 & 2. "Mazie" needs only #27. "Rags Rabbit" needs only #s 11 & 16.
(17) Lev Gleason/Comic House:
"Adventures in Wonderland", "Candy Comics", "Cutie Pie", "Dilly", "Jim Dandy", "Squeeks", and "Uncle Charlie's Fables" are complete. "Cryin' Lion" needs only #s 1 & 3. "Horse Feathers" needs only #s 2 & 4.
(18) Magazine Enterprises:
"The Brain", "Ding Dong", "Little Miss Sunbeam", "Muggsy Mouse", "The Pixies/Mighty Atom & Pixies", and "Tick Tock Tales" are all complete.
"Cowboys 'N' Injuns" needs only # 6. "Dogface Dooley needs only #s 2 & 4. "Hot Dog" needs only #s 2 & 4. "Koko & Kola" needs only #s 1 & 2. "Mighty Atom" needs only #2. "Tom-Tom" needs only #3.
(19) Novelty Press: "Frisky Fables" is complete.
(20) Orbit/Wanted Publications:
"Toytown Comics" needs only #3. "Taffy Comics" needs only #s 1, 2 & 4.
(21) Parents Magazine Press: - "Calling All Kids" and "Funny Book" are complete.
(22) Prize Comics Group: - "Cool Cat", "Dudley" and "Wonderland Comics" are Complete. "Mickey Finn" needs only #1.
(23) Quality Comics:
"All Humor", "Buster Bear", "Gabby", "Hickory", and "Marmaduke Mouse" are all complete. "Hit Comics" complete, but need to replace 10+ fiche issues. "Egbert" needs only #1 upgrade(add 4 missing pages).
(24) St. John Publishing:
"Basil The Royal Cat", "Comics Revue", "Jackie Gleason", "Little Eva", and "The Three Stooges" are all complete.
"Little Audrey" needs only #1 from its PD portion. "Mopsy" needs only #7.
(25) Stanley Morse/Key Publications:
"Hector Comics", and "Peter Cottontail/Animal Adventures" are complete.
(26) Star Publications:
"Frisky Fables" needs only #s 39-41, "Frisky Animals" needs only #s 44,45,49 & 58.
(27)Toby Press/Minoan Publishing: - "Two-Bit the Wacky Woodpecker" and "Meet Merton" are complete.
(28) Ziff-Davis Publishing Co: - "Sparkie, Radio Pixie" is complete.
Thanks Robb, I've updated a few entries on the site.
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