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JohnC's 'How To Check Public Domain Status Tutorial'
Exactly. It's why I'm very gun shy about licensed characters such as Heckle and Jeckle
(which were a terrible cartoon IMO but that's just me.)
I am more concerned with Mighty Mouse but he has not shown to be a very profitable comic book character. I think that Heckle and Jeckle are almost a comic book Amos and Andy type casualty. Both sites carry Dinky Duck and Gandy Goose because they were not as popular or well known as Heckle and Jeckle but are actually in the same unrenewed boat. I think Heckle and Jeckle Comics were renewed because of their later popularity before Political Correctness went wild. Most of us here are old enough to remember when H&K were very popular and enjoyed them as kids. I read one place that if the book carried the proper copyright notice then it was copyright even if not registered. What is your take on that John?
Each to their own Narf.
I hated the Terry Toons top to bottom. Put beside even an average Warner Bros cartoon they were tepid at best. The very first Super Mouse (as he was first called) was not bad but after that.. blech.
ANY licensed character makes me nervous. Most of them were added before I joined the staff.
While they did not show up as registered the latter issue of Paul Terry's Comics do show up as renewed :-[ Dinky Duck does not have issues 3-6,9,11 as renewed but the others were. Gandy Goose 1-6 were renewed :-[
John C:
--- Quote from: narfstar on February 18, 2013, 04:27:05 PM ---I read one place that if the book carried the proper copyright notice then it was copyright even if not registered. What is your take on that John?
--- End quote ---
It's definitely the case today (the law says so outright, as of 1978, with registration needed to sue), but I couldn't figure out when it started, when I tried to work it out. There are points where registration is mentioned as a requirement, but it's never definitively connected to establishing the copyright.
So, I'd assume that the notice is the only formal requirement (prior to renewal).
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