Digital Comic Museum > News and Announcements
Digital Comic Museum Comic Viewer (Preview Comics)
Captain DJ:
NOTE - a tutorial for how to use this feature can be found here:,7697.0.html
Hey All,
It's been a long time since I really posted here but got a new feature for you to play with!
DCM Preview Feature viewer
In the file section of the site now when you browse a comic file you will notice there is a link called Preview... I'll put an image to help show you. on "PREVIEW" will open the comic for your viewing/preview pleasure.
Screenshot of the Comic Viewer in action:
* Supports all comics on the site both old and new
* Only displays the image files contained within the cbr/cbz files (no txt files etc)
* Left arrow key goes to previous page
* Right arrow key goes to next page
* Try it and see for yourself....
This doesn't mean you can't download the comics but means you can now try before you download.
Just another feature from us to you as a thank you for supporting us.
TIP: If you own a PS3/Xbox etc visit the site and view comics full screen on your TV.
Any comments/bugs/feedback let us know.
Captain DJ:
Notes: Broadband connection required. Images are coming out of the cbr/cbz files. I refuse to change quality of the pages since we would all dislike that so they remain at original size. Most images are good size but some are rather big.
Anyone with decent internet connection won't notice too much.
Captain DJ:
Got a PM today about Comic Viewer:
--- Quote from: Snard on October 26, 2010, 05:03:00 AM ---Hi,
I couldn't reply to the News and Announcements thread because it is apparently locked, but I wanted to thank you for the Previewer. It works really nice (plus, you used one of my scans for your screenshot sample ;)
If I might offer one small suggestion: in the title bar, it might be nice to display the filename of the image you are displaying. This would give the viewer a cue as to what they are seeing in certain cases (i.e. if there are more than one cover scan included, or if the pages are numbered oddly and the comics is not being displayed in the correct page order).
Again, nice job!
- Snard
--- End quote ---
Have taken the suggestion and made it part of the viewer.
Title bar will now say: Digital Comic Museum Comic Viewer: Comic Name - Page Name
Cool, nice work.
Is there any way to make the "preview" link a bit more prominent? Can you use an image that you'd click on?
Captain DJ:
--- Quote from: Roygbiv666 on October 26, 2010, 07:48:25 AM ---Cool, nice work.
Is there any way to make the "preview" link a bit more prominent? Can you use an image that you'd click on?
--- End quote ---
Yes it's planned. Want to fix a small bug in preview script first that caused by cbz files containing sub folders. Once that fixed will make preview link nicer.
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