Digital Comic Museum > Welcome and Introductions
Longtime lurker
Kevin Yong:
Hi. I recently "de-lurked" over at the other Golden Age comics site, so I figured I might as well introduce myself here too.
I was first introduced to the other site a few years ago through some comic fan friends of mine, and during the last round of technical difficulties at the other site I found my way here while waiting for their downloads to resume. I love that there's now two sites where this material is available, so if one site ever gets hit with technical difficulties again the same collection of material (more or less) will still be online elsewhere.
I enjoy reading the old comics, although I'm afraid I don't have much to contribute in the way of books to be scanned. As I posted over on the other site: Besides being a comic fan and part-time comics writer, I'm also interested in Golden Age comics out of appreciation for the pre-computer era craftsmanship involved in their production. (I work in the printing industry as my day job.)
Thanks to everyone here for making so many of these classics available for viewing by a new generation of readers. :)
Welcome Kevin, one doesn't need to be a scanner to contribute to the site.
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