Digital Comic Museum > Welcome and Introductions
Hi my name is Tim
My name is Tim and I found this site while searching for Our Army at War. I seen a few comics I like and once I learn a little about this site I hope to be able to download some. Right now all I get is an error message. But for now I will say hey. Just to let you know I have been visiting comicsworld but from what I seen they are shutdown. I have been doing some looking for old comics that I used to collect back in the 70's and 80's mostly horror and war comics. Can't wait to hear from some of you and who know maybe you can help me find some missing issues.
Welcome Tim.
Please be sure to read the FAQ for any questions.
You should be able to download once you login on the site using the same name/pw as you used here.
But you will Not find any books from beyond Dec 1959. DCM is focused on Public Domain comics - mostly from the Golden Age of comics but I'm sure you'll find something here to interest you if you try some. We've got war comics from several publishers here.
Thank You.
This is what I'm getting.
Error: Sorry but you need to login before you can download. Please login using: or register an account at: If you believe this to be in error, please quote the above error and report this to the admin
Then when I login in I get this:
Error: Login failed...There was an error locating the details for this user
Failed inside $this->usertype->do_login()
. If you believe this to be in error, please quote the above error and report this to the admin
Very odd Tim.
If you can login and post here you should be fine on the site.
You might try the old 'clear your cookies trick'.
Push comes to shove I can delete your account and you can re-register with a different name.
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