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freddyfly's Uploads

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It's been a LONG time, but I've added a scan tonight - Rags Rabbit #16
It's the fc + a 'recreation' from assorted reprints, with all ads & one text story missing. No scans, old or new, at eBay (there's a Roger Rabbit 16 and Red Rabbit 16, but no Rags).
One flaw - I added original art of the fc, which should have been the Second scan, but it appeared first! I re-upped so that the Preview pages are in order, but the art still appears on the download page. Aaarggh.

Thanks very much Len!
It's great to see something new from one of our best scanners and supporters from even before day one of DCM.  :)

No worries on the front cover.  In fact it makes it clear that this is a recreation.

Thanks again, I hope you are doing well on your end.

Another partial upgrade tonight - to Zoot 14A (March) - this is the one with all three stories from the IW reprint.
I've replaced the so-so ifc (1st story page) with a much better one (still tilted), plus added (not replaced) original versions of 16 story pages (all from an ebay auction).

Thanks for this latest upgrade Len!

Have a happy holidays,


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