DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans
Space War and Strange Planet Scans
Hi. I keep getting "Access violation" message on these scans. I can read a few pages then this message pops up and I can read no further. Anybody else have this problem? Cheers, Jeff
Which scans exactly give the error? Most likely what you have is just an incomplete download, when using a download mamanger make sure not to use multistreaming, it will result in incomplete downloads. Either only make one connection per download or just download the comics manually by clicking on the link, and then waiting for it to finish downloading before downloading the next comic.
Edit - I checked and it does seem like there is an error with the files, we might need to have prime user check the originals and upload them again if they are OK.
Thanks, Aussie. I did manually download them, more than once each. Could it be an extension thing? Cheers, Jeff
For some strange reason there was a faulyt in one page of all prime users uploads on that day, you can unpack them and repack them and read all but the one page, we are trying to get complete versions.
Geo (RIP):
--- Quote from: aussie500 on April 24, 2010, 04:06:30 PM ---For some strange reason there was a faulyt in one page of all prime users uploads on that day, you can unpack them and repack them and read all but the one page, we are trying to get complete versions.
--- End quote ---
Aussie PM me, I think I have all good issue of those. I just need to know which book and issue and hopefully help out on this.
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