Digital Comic Museum > News and Announcements
Server Upgrade (Complete)
Sorry for the mess Cap...
but we have a new sparkly server
Captain DJ:
No worries.
Least it all working. Wasn't that bad as had old hard drive mounted as slave so could copy nearly all files and settings over to new hard drive. Just had to reconfigure/install some software that we use for website.
Not seen any errors yet so fingers crossed.
I was away for the whole move so it was painless on my side.
Thanks for all the amazing work you've been doing Capt.
Yes, you've been doing a great job with everything. 2 whole hours of sleep? You lazy lout!
I hadn't been online in a coupel of days and yesterday when I tried to visit, I got an error in IE that said site didn't exist. I thought to myself "well that sure didn't last very long". Good to see the site is back and running strong.
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