Digital Comic Museum > News and Announcements
Server Upgrade (Complete)
Are you sure you were in the right place? :)
--- Quote from: fett on April 08, 2010, 12:35:59 PM ---Are you sure you were in the right place? :)
--- End quote ---
Quite sure. I tried both the forum and the museum and got the same result several times. Because I track so many sites, I don't type urls which leave room for typos. I bookmark all my sites from the first time I visit. The errors were coming from the same bookmark links I signed in with last night and today. I then shortened the url addy to just the .com with out the extra add ons after the slashes, and got the message that the site was down due to server transfer.
We were offline for a few hours ago the other day. You must have tried during that period.
That tends to happen to me on lots of sites. I think I'm jinxed.
Captain DJ:
When we did server upgrade the site was fully offline from midnight till 3am GMT.
After 3am I put up a page saying "site offline due to upgrade" and this was inplace until 9am when the site was put back online fully.
Site Offline page was just temp page so you guys knew what was happening.
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