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Speaking of Publishers...
--- Quote from: aussie500 on April 05, 2010, 04:56:28 AM ---We generally put the publishing info in the title section if they have been sorted into folders, so it is not beyond the realms of possibility something could be done to pick up key words from the title info for a search engine. But it might take a while unfortunately to change the basic search engine we have now. Maybe something could be done through a google search engine. Unfortunately we had to remove what publisher info we already had, and we are still looking for volunteers to do some new articles for the publisher sections. We include any alternate publishing names or imprints there as well, to help people work out where to upload some titles. We will eventually get all the title and publisher sections set up, unfortunately these things take time so even if we had a search engine complex enough to find it, we have not got most of the info actually available at the moment, sorry about that.
--- End quote ---
Does anyone know EXACTLY what the current SEARCH function looks at? Which fields or file names? It seems to just look at the file name and the description and overlooks the group folder that the file is in. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if there was some simple means of expanding the parameters to include the folder name(s), that would go a long way towards solving the problems I've encountered.
Though is still wouldn't solve the very weird error messages I get when I search for Blue Beetle...?
Peace, Jim (|:{>
Captain DJ:
Search feature needs a recoding in future to expand what it grabs, it on my todo list.
Captain DJ:
Search feature is next upgrade on my list I think.
Any suggestions/ideas on what you guys want?
What I was thinking is something where search gives you more chocie.
ie: search:
* Name/Description
* Files uploaded by xxx users
* Files in xxx category
Let me know your thoughts.
Jim sounds like he'd like to see search by Publisher and or Title folders.
A listing of all books by a publisher by title that are currently on DCM.
We might have to auto add the Publisher/Title for each upload to the descriptions of each title but until we have the publisher folders better sorted (JVJ contacted me on that) I would hold off on any description updating.
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