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Speaking of Publishers...
I would DEARLY love for there to be some tie-in with the scan titles and the publishers. Or at least SOMETHING that turns up in the Search results. If you search for "Rural Home" you get ONE hit - and it's Liberty Comics #13, from GREEN Publishing Co. And, since all of the Rural Home titles are inexplicably (to ME, anyway) stored in the Croydon folder, no one has much chance of finding them unless you already know what they are and where to look.
And that's just one company that I know is hard to find. Try searching for Continental, Et-Es-Go or Hel-Nit.
I realize that this connectivity is unlikely to ever happen and it's not the primary function of the site to convey this information, but since we're wishing on a star here, that's what I'd wish for.
my 2ยข
I'll send you a PM on the topic.
We generally put the publishing info in the title section if they have been sorted into folders, so it is not beyond the realms of possibility something could be done to pick up key words from the title info for a search engine. But it might take a while unfortunately to change the basic search engine we have now. Maybe something could be done through a google search engine. Unfortunately we had to remove what publisher info we already had, and we are still looking for volunteers to do some new articles for the publisher sections. We include any alternate publishing names or imprints there as well, to help people work out where to upload some titles. We will eventually get all the title and publisher sections set up, unfortunately these things take time so even if we had a search engine complex enough to find it, we have not got most of the info actually available at the moment, sorry about that.
I can't recall if I sent you that PM.
Basically I asked you to send me a short list of your biggest complaints as to how you think they should be set-up. New publishers or moved to another, anything. I trust you to know Far more than I do about the matter.
I'm ready to do what I can once I'm sent the instructions.
--- Quote from: Yoc on April 06, 2010, 12:59:25 PM ---Jim,
I can't recall if I sent you that PM.
Basically I asked you to send me a short list of your biggest complaints as to how you think they should be set-up. New publishers or moved to another, anything. I trust you to know Far more than I do about the matter.
I'm ready to do what I can once I'm sent the instructions.
--- End quote ---
You didn't send one, Yoc,
but I've complied with your wishes in a PM to you. I hope you'll share it with the forum to get feedback.
One thing I think would be helpful would be a comment in the "Description" field of all titles that shift from one publisher to another stating where they originate and/or where they continue.
Peace, Jim (|:{>
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