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Uploading scans of others?
I believe there are some instances in runs of some comic titles where I have a scan of an issue that isn't archived on DCM yet. In most cases these scans are ones I found in comic newsgroups and I generally have no record of who originally scanned them or uploaded them there. Is it a no-no to upload them to be archived on DCM?
Many people upload others' scans here. It's just not courteous to upload if you've edited them (other than simple things like renaming them or putting them into a archive file like .cbz) Adding (a) missing page(s) is an encouraged form of editing though.
--- Quote from: JonTheScanner on April 03, 2010, 06:06:18 PM ---Many people upload others' scans here. It's just not courteous to upload if you've edited them (other than simple things like renaming them or putting them into a archive file like .cbz) Adding (a) missing page(s) is an encouraged form of editing though.
--- End quote ---
OK, thanks. And thank you, BTW, for all your hard work. You and other scanners who've contributed here have provided me with countless hours of reading pleasure and revived my interest in GA comics.
Hi P,
Yes, if possible please do include the original scanner's name if you know it though.
And as Jon mentioned please don't upload any 'shrunken' or otherwise re-editted versions unless it's perhaps adding a better cover to what is already there or if you have any missing pages to add.
And of course none of it can be non-PD so modern reprints from say AC comics are a no-no.
Otherwise feel free and PLEASE do read the tutorial on the subject in the FAQ -
Hi again guys,
A few moments ago I downloaded Jumbo Comics #10 (I'm a huge Sheena fan, and all gga books in fact) and I couldn't help but notice that the copy of the cover of Jumbo #10 that is in your collection is badly damaged. So I downloaded an absolutely flawless copy of the same cover from Grand Comicbook Database, and am very willing to send it to you to be added to your collection, and in order to help improve Jumbo #10. I simply do not know how to send you this copy of this cover. I tried to copy and paste it to this post, but it would not take (my right hand click dropdown list won't give me the option to "paste"). Would you like to receive this greatly improved image of the cover of Jumbo #10, and if so, how do I send it to you..
PS All you who do the grunt work to provide this great website have my profound thanks.
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