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Nerdy and niggling suggestions
Hey, someone has to make them! Here are mine:
It would be helpful if all file names for scans that are from fiche clearly had "fiche" included in the name. (I'm not a big fan of fiche, needless to say, so it would be a time saver to not have to go to the download page to find out if an issue scan is from paper or fiche). Of course, who would take on the unrewarding task of going through all comics files here and labeling those that aren't already so labeled? Probably no one in their right mind, so this is kind of a hopeless suggestion.
This is even nitpickier: it strikes me as a bit strange to have a Phantom Lady reprint cover as the home page cover-shot for Ajax/Farrell when the main publisher of PL was Fox.
Of course, if these are all that I can come up then that speaks well of DCM! I do like the addition of the 3 info boxes atop the home page.
The file names are meant to have fiche in them if it is nevessary, but it unfortunately takes time to identify all of them. Will a black Cobra cover do for Ajax Farrel?
--- Quote from: aussie500 on April 03, 2010, 06:12:22 PM ---The file names are meant to have fiche in them if it is nevessary, but it unfortunately takes time to identify all of them. Will a black Cobra cover do for Ajax Farrel?
--- End quote ---
Heh heh. I guess the right answer is "probably not" since the issue file for Black Cobra says it only has 15 pages and a BC. I'd suggest Voodoo or a Haunted Thrills as representative...
We are advertising the publisher not necessarily what we have, since we do not yet have everything I would not want to be limited by the scans we have. Besides if I put a Black Cobra cover up is it not going to garner more interest in the title and make it more likely we will get scans of the other issues and a more complete scan of the one we have?
Atn take what you can get. ;) The Ajax super hero titles are all hard to find.
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