DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans
Supermouse & Coo Coo Comics
I just checked several of the Supermouse & Coo Coo Comics books, and all the ones where "bchat" is marked as the author (the rest seem fine) resulted in the following error:
Error: Sorry but the file associated with this download doesnt seem to exist. Please contact the owner of this download to correct the problem or report this link as broken.
/home/gac/public_html/downloads//c0d124e5314ee053805353febb9d1c90.rwd. If you believe this to be in error, please quote the above error and report this to the admin
Anybody else get this? It wouldn't take much for me to re-upload the files if they are, in fact, missing.
Yep, I'm getting the same thing. Are these supposed to be linked to 4shared? I think these were some you had there and it looks like the files are still trying to find it.
I also noticed that supermouse 25 and 36 are showing as new files but when you click on them it says they are not viewable by the public. I think they have yet to be approved.
The files...that were uploaded after the "new" owner took over, are not actually on our database, we nee a volunteer to go through everything and find the "missing" files...
Well, that's two!
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