Thanks to the champions who've stepped in to replace those who've chosen to fix that which had not been broken. This type of thing has occurred to other free sites which sought to restrict membership with usage or contributory plateaus, and in each case the clone sites were safe from legal action simply because the posted work was not copyrightable. Which is why it is a very good idea to rewrite all of the introductory material on the companies and individual titles. Some of it was wrong to begin with (such as lumping Stanhall into the Stanley Morse group of titles; they were unconnected), while some had anachronistic information. For example, almost all of the write-up for Quality's BLACKHAWK had nothing to do with their version but was taken from DC's '80s-era revamp (courtesy of Howard Chaykin): the Quality Blackhawk was not Polish, was not named Janos Prohaska (actually the name of a '50s-'60s
Hungarian actor who specialized in dressing up in animal costumes for TV and movies, most notably, the Cookie-Eating Bear on late '60s episodes of the ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW) but was named Bart Hawks in a 1956 Quality text page, and none of the Blackhawks had last names.
Have you resurrected the link page listing all the newly posted issues? If not, perhaps you could be so kind as to begin by backtracking to the beginning of March, or at least the point at which the download restrictions messed up everything up? For those of us with a minimum of freetime, the link-page was a boon which obviated any need to do a daily search through everycompany's listing.
Good luck with the new/old site!