DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans
Please help us identify and solve the occasional glitch.
And fixed last night.
Thanks for the pointer Jon.
Kathy #1 and 3 (Nedor) need to be fixed to display cover thumbnails.
New Romances #19 (Nedor) has the JVJ card as thumbnail.
Re: Harvey War Victory Adventures Series, not in dropdown.
I have a decent picture of the front and back of Harvey War Victory Adventures #2 front and back cover [ https://www.comics.org/issue/3070/ ] but I don't see it in the "dropdown" under Harvey. Figured it would be a good placeholder until I, or someone else, can hunt one down.
Can it be added or should I not bother with a front and back cover only in the database?
Thank you.
Hi LG,
We only create 'folders' for titles when there were four or more issues. Anything less you can find them in the publisher's folder.
In this case, we only have one issue of the title, #3, to share and it's in the Harvey folder.
We haven't shared just covers for missing books. But thanks for thinking of us!
Take care,
10-4, thanks!
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