DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans

Please help us identify and solve the occasional glitch.

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I've got this one so I'll fix it for HP.
Thanks for letting us know about it NN

Geo (RIP):

--- Quote from: Yoc on August 26, 2010, 11:46:21 PM ---I've got this one so I'll fix it for HP.
Thanks for letting us know about it NN

--- End quote ---
Thanks Yoc, I did email him about it and haven't heard back yet.


he's been very busy the last couple years, so no problem for me to fill it in this case.
I likely have most of his scans here.

"HenryPeters" dropped several of his email addresses about a year ago.  I don't feel comfortable posting a valid email address here, but HP's scans are well-loved and quite a few of us probably have any you need.

and BTW anyone here who runs IRC, might drop in on #comicchat irc.irchighway.net where HP hangs out at times.


Smitty 004, posted 8/29/10, downloads error message: 'error loading' Anyone else have this problem?


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