DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans
Please help us identify and solve the occasional glitch.
I've got this one so I'll fix it for HP.
Thanks for letting us know about it NN
Geo (RIP):
--- Quote from: Yoc on August 26, 2010, 11:46:21 PM ---I've got this one so I'll fix it for HP.
Thanks for letting us know about it NN
--- End quote ---
Thanks Yoc, I did email him about it and haven't heard back yet.
he's been very busy the last couple years, so no problem for me to fill it in this case.
I likely have most of his scans here.
"HenryPeters" dropped several of his email addresses about a year ago. I don't feel comfortable posting a valid email address here, but HP's scans are well-loved and quite a few of us probably have any you need.
and BTW anyone here who runs IRC, might drop in on #comicchat irc.irchighway.net where HP hangs out at times.
Smitty 004, posted 8/29/10, downloads error message: 'error loading' Anyone else have this problem?
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