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Author Topic: Thinking of joining DCM? - READ HERE FIRST!  (Read 12954 times)

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Online Yoc

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Thinking of joining DCM? - READ HERE FIRST!
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:48:34 AM »
welcome to DCM.  So you are thinking of joining DCM?
Please be Sure to read the Registration Agreement letter that is sent to you with the Activation Link.

I will repeat the most important parts here -

Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are forbidden on this forum.  
Spammers will be banned!

If you post SPAM of any kind, including sales pitches, affiliate linking, or off-topic links to ANY websites or products YOU WILL BE BANNED.  There will be no second chances.
IPs, user names and registration email addresses will be banned to prevent future registration.
We do NOT appreciate commercial shills or inane sales pitches.  This is the only warning you will get.


If you need help from the staff first Please Read the FAQ!  If you still need help please use the CONTACT US link on the download homepage [CLICK HERE] and fill out our support form.  Once you've sent your message someone on staff will try to help you.  Please be patient.

DCM takes these rules very seriously.  If we see spam in any posts OR inside your profile - You Will Be Banned!

We have added support for HONEYPOT anti-spam software.  Spammers will be reported to there as well.

If you can live with these rules we hope you'll join and enjoy all the wonderful goodies we have to share with you on the site.

Take care,
Admin, DCM

Digital Comic Museum

Thinking of joining DCM? - READ HERE FIRST!
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:48:34 AM »

Offline John C

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Re: Thinking of joining DCM? - READ HERE FIRST!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 04:30:50 PM »
As a quick addendum to avoid (or create) confusion:

1.  If you're reading this, there's a very low chance we're talking about you.  But we figured it was worth saying, "hey, thanks, but no, nobody here wants counterfeit Nike sneakers sold from malware-infested computers in some heretofore unknown former Soviet republic and registered in unreadable Chinese dialects.  Really, we're just saving you money on your marketing budget."

2.  The activation timeout (the time between you register and you respond to the "make sure you gave us a real e-mail address" mail) may decrease.  We're checking some numbers on our spammers to see if we can knock them out without inconveniencing real people.  After all, does anybody sit on those e-mails for more than a weekend for a place that interests them?