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Fandom Obituaries

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Thanks for passing that along Jon.

I recently learned that Don Ensign, the owner of the Blue Boy Blog, passed away on  March 19, 2014.
I never knew Don but all I've read about him he sounds like he was a good soul.

James E. Babcock posted an incredibility warm message about his friendship with Don here -

I've heard today that voice actor, artist, comics and cartoon historian, art spotter HAMES WARE (Aug.20, 1943 - Sept. 5, 2018) has passed away.

Thankfully his notes had been passed along for posterity to Columbia University.


Hello everyone,
I've just learned some very sad news from Roygbiv666 and confirmed by Darrin Wiltshire that Richard David Boucher (Mr_Goldenage) passed away April, 15, 2018 at the age of 62.

Richard was co-owner along with Darrin Wiltshire of one of the first GA comic sites I ever found 'Good Guys and Gals of the Golden-age.' Richard's love and knowledge of GA comics was one of the inspirations for sites like DCM and CB+. He will be missed.

Here is a pic he shared from his FB page.


I did not know Richard Boucher, not even on-line. But I did enjoy the Good Guys/Gals site. He was one of the pioneers as Yoc said, that started the ball rolling towards DCM, and to an extent the Grand Comics Database that exist today.

Rest in Peace, Richard. And thanks.


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