Digital Comic Museum > Welcome and Introductions
How many comic books (physicial copies) in your collection?
--- Quote from: Yoc on November 22, 2023, 07:26:13 PM ---(1)Wow, I can imagine how your place looks Robb.
(2)I own perhaps six long boxes. :-\
--- End quote ---
(1) 4 places. 3 on one continent, one on another.
(2) But, I'll bet you have several thousand issues on digital. Thanks to you and Warner & crew, Boutje and a few other websites, I have probably 3 times as much on digital as on paper.
Two continents.. Wow!
Oh my yes, I'm a digital fan now. Soooo many more books and so much less space needed.
I'm a happy camper. :)
paw broon:
Despite coming late to digital anything, I am now a fan of digital comics and have so, so many. But there is nothing to beat the look, feel and smell of a physical, cheap paper, comicbook, imo.
As for how many physical comics I have - haven't a scooby. Lots of shelves and boxes, stored, unlike Robb's collection, in one small corner of Scotland. Space became a problem a few years ago and digital seemed the answer. But a lot less than 40 years ago. I had to sell off a lot.
The physical stock includes not quite complete runs of the mainstream British pocket libraries; a good selection of Pearsons pocket library output (for anyone who's interested, there are a lot available on CB+); selections of various Italian and French pocket libraries, Diabolik, Kriminal, Sadik and a few other neri; and French issues of The Spider and Steel Claw as well as Super Boy and Tenax.
A lot of Dell westerns - I do love a good Dell western, particularly the photo cover issues.
1 shelf of GA titles, multiple shelves of The Phantom, Australian, British, Scandinavian, German, American, Spanish............
Lots of old Spanish, Dutch and British titles - not the weeklies, that way lies madness ;)
American S.A. titles incl Batman; Detective; Worlds Finest - although a lot of these last 3 are late '50's to '70's, occasionally '80's - I don't read a lot past that.
Non mainstream titles, Southern Knights; Justice Machine etc.
But digital is a different story. Tb upon tb.
I am old so I suppose nostalgia plays a part in my preferences, but, really, can you beat a Murphy Anderson drawn Hawkman; an Adams or Aparo Batman? an Eisner Spirit? a Fine Ray?
Hi Paw,
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you've got yourself a pretty cool collection there.
I too enjoyed some of the 80s independents like Justice Machine along with Hate, The Tick and The Elementals.
For modern comics, I'd HIGHLY recommend 'Astro City' title from Kurt Busiek/Brent Anderson/others with amazing Alex Ross covers.
It's been around since 1995 bouncing around a few publishers. It's with Image now and they're releasing all the previous issues as TPB collections (the first is called 'Astro City MetroBook') while new books slowly come out. The title is the closest I've seen to capture the SA fun of DC and Marvel.
Stay well,
Only a few thousand. I once had a collection of 30,000 comic books, but I have since sold or traded most of them and replaced them with comics on other media - microfiche, CD, DVD and reprint collections. I have more now than I ever had, but not in physical condition. :)
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