DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans

Voodoo - Horror comics Series - (Missing file or...?)


Good Morning,
excuse me for my message..

I don't see the number 08 about this horror comics.

Is normal?
Where I can search?

This is the topic with full list:
- https://digitalcomicmuseum.com/index.php?cid=120

Many thanks for your time and sharing files.  ;)

That issue has never been scanned.
If anyone out there owns it PLEASE consider scanning it or letting a trusted staff member do it for you.

We have a Wanted Comics List with it and many, many other books we hope to some day see scanned and shared on the site at this link:


Many thanks for your reply, dude..   ;)

I hope to found, one day, and upload inside this forum..


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