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Sequential - a fanzine from Scotland

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paw broon:
Sequential #7 available now.  You can order a copy of the fanzine, digital or physical, here:-

Graced with an original cover illustration by Alan Davis, there is a lot to get you excited in this issue. A deep delve into the life and career of Kurt Caesar; we dig into the history of The Phantom - from Frew and Egmont to the dodgy Turkish books and more; a look at stretchy superheroes - not the obvious; a bit of a rant about the great bane of comic shops; Caroline Baker, Lady Barrister; an in depth spotlight on the great Reed Crandell.
Try a copy now.  You never know, you might enjoy it.

Sounds like another interesting issue Paw.

paw broon:
Sequential # 8 has now been let loose.  Our biggest issue yet with 64 packed pages.  Available both as physical and digital editions.
Try it, you never know, you might like it.
Our cover this issue features the feisty Edith Hardy, owner of the Hardy Detective Agency in '50's Paris, in a perilous situation, revolver in hand.
And you must read Comic Book Cop-Out Master Class by Ron Harris. Although, my piece on The Phantom and the silver screen comes close.

Hey gang,
I've been given a few issues of Sequential to read and enjoyed each of them.  I haven't gotten to read this latest issue but judging by the previous issues I'm sure I'll find things to enjoy and learn about our hobby.


paw broon:
Sequential # 9 is now available.  This issue - Ron Harris brings us The Secret Origin of The Watcher;  A celebration of the 30th anniversary of Glasgow's best comic store, City Centre Comics;
A good long look at Atome Kid and his artist, Bayo, with some examples of his work; a spotlight on Ernie Chan and,  Captain Britain - who he???  Not who or what you think.  Lots of good reading.


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