DCM Download Site > Problems with links or scans
.cbr fail
This is not a problem with DCM but maybe somebody knows what's wrong. My .cbr files just stopped opening. It affects files I've created as well as DCM downloaded files.
When I click on a .cbr file,it doesn't open but the .cbr balloon icon appears in the taskbar. Nothing happens when I click on that either.
Wondering if the problem is in my computer (I checked and the .cbr in Programs is still active) I re-download CDisplay and still no change. Any advice will be appreciated. Wanna read my comics!
That's odd! No idea why they would just stop working other than it's a quite old program.
Perhaps you can try another comic reader application? There are many free apps to choose from.
Some are listed in this topic: https://digitalcomicmuseum.com/forum/index.php/topic,1808.0.html
Good luck!
Captain DJ:
Only suggestion I have is to Open CDisplay from the start menu and once the icon appears in the taskbar, press the W key on your keyboard.
W key is the shortcut to go from Windowed mode to Fullscreen. Sometimes in Windowed mode the size of the window is very small that can sometimes get hidden in random places, might not work but worth a try.
[Perhaps you can try another comic reader application? There are many free apps to choose from.
Some are listed in this topic: https://digitalcomicmuseum.com/forum/index.php/topic,1808.0.html]
If I do that will I still be able to open the files I have already got with CDisplay?
My understanding is that .cbr files are just .rar files with a different suffix. I would temporarily change the suffix to .rar and see if 7zip opens them. This would be much like opening a zip file with Winzip.
That would only work for Windows as far as I know. The reason I'd go that route is that I'd be concerned the file was corrupt. If the file is corrupt, 7Zip won't open it either.
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