Comic Name: Speed Comics 032 (JVJ)(now c2c)-upgrade (54.02 MB)
Description: Now c2c with missing Biff Bannon and Black Cat stories added to complete the book.
Fills scanned by gbwhitmore.Formerly missing 3 centrefold spreads or 12 pages total.
From the JVJ Collection, scan and edit by rangerhouse.
Speed Comics #32 (Missing 3 centerfolds)
40 comic scans
from the JVJ Collection.
Captain Freedom cover by Schomburg
Biff Bannon
Black Cat
Captain Freedom by A Cazerneuve
Schock Gibsion by Elgin & Schroeder
Story behind the cover (2 page text story)
Padlock Homes by Wheelan
Girl Commandos by Elgin
Uploaded by: freddyfly
Upload Date: 2023-03-01 16:19:05
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