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Home Stanley Morse Ideal Romance Ideal Romance 006
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

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A Love Jones scan. Darwin would like to thank Ed Mann from the CGC boards for trading him a much wanted issue.
Issue: #6
Published: October 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Credits: Pencils: Bernard Baily | Inks: Bernard Baily ?
Genre: Romance

Comic Story (6 pages) Dollar Romance
Synopsis: Doris has a scheme to inherit money from a wealthy widow.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Doris Bill Grange Mrs. Weeks Mrs. Grange

Comic Story (6 pages) My Love Is Free!
Synopsis: Rich girl Diana falls in love with Tony, a guy who has no use for money and high society.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Diana Sinclair Tony Randall Diana's Parents Rudy Cabot

Comic Story (6 pages) Man Killer
Synopsis: Betty has a reputation of dating any guy she wants, but she may be living a lie.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Betty Jane Patsy Biff Carlson Jack

Text Story (2 pages) Love Comes to Hartsford
Synopsis: A small town girl (Grace) falls for a brash big city news reporter (Nicolas).
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Romance
Characters: Grace Stahal Eli Stahal Nicolas Edmond Carl Burgher Bess Anderson Matilda Tom

Comic Story (7 pages) A Queen's Story!
Synopsis: The royal couple are having marriage difficulties, but then a revolution comes and they must flee the country.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Queen Helena King John Prime Minister Karacas Raspin

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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