Digital Comic Museum

Digital Comic Museum => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Yoc on May 30, 2017, 09:02:14 PM

Title: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on May 30, 2017, 09:02:14 PM
( banner46-Fawcett mini animated.gif)

Hi Gang!
Welcome to our Fawcett Mini-Flood or Fawcett Fridays for June on DCM.
All this month on each Friday we hope to debut two or maybe even three Fawcett books for you to enjoy.  And if we are lucky perhaps a few surprises might show up from other scanners out there when they see what we are up to here.  ;)

As always I have to thank the scanners and editors out there for their support on this Fawcett Mini-Flood -
(in alphabetical order) a nonny moose, freddyfly, Dave Hayward, Richard Kahl, Kracalactaka,  movielover,  OtherEric,  rangerhouse, Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts, Soothsayr, and srca1941.

Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts has provided us with a great intro to the event.  He's likely one of the biggest Fawcett fans I've met so I reached out and here's what he sent.

Title: Cap'‬N ‬Billy'‬s ‬Legacy by Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts
Post by: erwin-k on May 31, 2017, 09:09:54 PM
Cap'‬N ‬Billy'‬s ‬Legacy
some ‬thoughts ‬by
Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts

Come ‬June ‬we'‬re ‬going ‬to ‬have ‬this ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬mini-flood. ‬Yup, ‬that'‬s ‬what ‬Yoc ‬told ‬me. ‬Would ‬you ‬be ‬interested ‬in ‬writing ‬an ‬intro? ‬You'‬re ‬a ‬Fawcett ‬Man.
You ‬bet ‬I ‬am. But this ‬isn'‬t ‬the ‬first ‬Fawcett ‬intro ‬I'‬ve ‬done ‬for ‬DCM. ‬See ‬the ‬Origin ‬of ‬Captain ‬Marvel ‬Jr. ‬Archive ( [Rangerhouse Archives #1] for that.

According ‬to ‬the ‬Grand ‬Comics ‬Database ( ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬published ‬2253 ‬issues. ‬The ‬Digital ‬Comics ‬Museum ‬has ‬1867 ‬Fawcett ‬files, ‬which ‬includes ‬an ‬unknown ‬number ‬of "‬different ‬version" ‬scans.  ‬The ‬new ‬mini-flood, ‬a/k/a ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays, ‬will ‬fill ‬some ‬holes ‬and ‬replace ‬a ‬few ‬micro-fiche ‬scans. ‬Okay, ‬roll '‬em ‬out!!

Prelude ‬to ‬Fawcett ‬Comics
Or, ‬Shocking ‬Some ‬of ‬the ‬Public

About ‬a ‬century ‬ago ‬Canadian ‬born ‬Wilford ‬Hamilton ‬Fawcett (, ‬long ‬since ‬of ‬Minnesota, ‬prepared ‬to ‬go ‬off ‬to ‬war, ‬for ‬the ‬second ‬time. (‬He ‬had ‬served ‬in ‬the ‬war, ‬or ‬insurrection, ‬in ‬the ‬Philippines.) ‬He ‬returned ‬to ‬the ‬U.S. ‬Army ‬for ‬The ‬Great ‬War. ‬The ‬War ‬To ‬End ‬All ‬Wars. ‬Mr. ‬Fawcett ‬served ‬his ‬time ‬Over ‬There. ‬He ‬returned ‬as ‬a ‬Captain. (‬Just ‬like ‬Harry ‬Truman.) ‬He ‬began ‬to ‬use ‬the ‬nickname 'Captain ‬Billy' ‬while ‬working ‬for ‬the ‬Army ‬newspaper Stars & ‬Stripes (

Back ‬home, ‬in ‬1919, ‬Fawcett ‬launched ‬a ‬humor ‬magazine ‬aimed ‬at ‬veterans ‬titled Captain ‬Billy'‬s ‬Whiz-Bang. ‬Self ‬described ‬as ‬an "‬explosion ‬of ‬pedigreed ‬bunk" ‬the ‬monthly ‬magazine ‬soon ‬sold ‬at ‬a ‬rate ‬just ‬this ‬side ‬of ‬half-a-million ‬copies.

( message pictures/Fawcett Intro Capt. Billyv01n13-01.jpg)

Apparently ‬Whiz-Bang'‬s ‬content ‬turned ‬out ‬to ‬be ‬just ‬a ‬bit ‬more ‬adult ‬than ‬most ‬of ‬the ‬pasteurized-homogenized ‬white ‬milk ‬magazines ‬of ‬the ‬day. ‬Moral ‬outrage, ‬from ‬the ‬usual ‬suspects, ‬popped ‬up. ‬Just ‬remember, ‬publication ‬began ‬at ‬about ‬the ‬same ‬time ‬alcohol ‬became ‬illegal ‬in ‬the ‬United ‬States. ‬The ‬Self-Ridiculous… ‬er… ‬the ‬self-righteous ‬probably ‬felt ‬that ‬they ‬were ‬on ‬the ‬cusp ‬of ‬control ‬of ‬everything ‬others ‬might ‬want ‬to ‬do.

Note ‬the ‬first: ‬Today ‬Whiz-Bang ‬is ‬barely ‬remembered ‬by ‬the ‬American ‬public. ‬If ‬they ‬know ‬the ‬name ‬at ‬all, ‬it ‬is ‬from ‬the ‬reference ‬in ‬the ‬play ‬The ‬Music ‬Man, "‬Is ‬he ‬starting ‬to ‬memorize <‬evil> ‬jokes ‬from ‬Captain ‬Billy'‬s ‬Whiz-Bang?" ‬That, ‬in ‬itself, ‬is "‬pedigreed ‬bunk." ‬The ‬Music ‬Man ‬is ‬set ‬before, ‬not ‬after, ‬World ‬War ‬One.

Note ‬the ‬second:The ‬Digital ‬Comics ‬Museum ‬has ‬eighteen ‬issues ‬of Whiz-Bang ‬available HERE ( )

Not ‬resting ‬on ‬his ‬laurels, ‬for ‬August ‬1922 ‬Fawcett ‬began ‬issuing ‬True ‬Confessions ( ‬In ‬1922 ‬the ‬first ‬cover ‬alone ‬must ‬have ‬been ‬considered ‬shocking.

( message pictures/Fawcett Intro True Confessions V1N1 [22.08]-cov.jpg)

Being ‬a ‬Captain ‬again ‬became ‬important ‬in ‬Fawcett'‬s ‬life ‬in ‬1924. ‬He ‬competed ‬and ‬served ‬as ‬Captain ‬of ‬the ‬U.S. ‬Trap ‬Shooting ‬Team ‬at ‬the ‬Paris ‬Olympics.
Fawcett'‬s ‬Mechanix ‬Illustrated ( ‬also ‬began ‬in ‬the ‬1920'‬s. ‬DCM ‬readers ‬of ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬have ‬seen ‬ads ‬for ‬the ‬magazine ‬as ‬early ‬as ‬in Whiz ‬Comics ‬#3 ( ‬The ‬mag ‬now ‬continues ‬as ‬Today'‬s ‬Homeowner.

Wikipdia'‬s ‬article ‬on ‬Fawcett ‬Publications ( ‬lists ‬the ‬following ‬collection ‬of ‬pulp ‬magazines ‬and ‬slick ‬titles: "‬Battle ‬Stories, ‬Cavalier, ‬Daring ‬Detective, ‬Dynamic ‬Detective, ‬Family ‬Circle, ‬Motion ‬Picture, ‬Movie ‬Story, ‬Rudder (‬later ‬merged ‬with ‬Sea)‬, ‬Screen ‬Secrets, ‬Secrets, ‬Triple-X ‬Western ‬and ‬True." ‬Then, ‬in ‬1939, ‬they ‬decided ‬to ‬try ‬their ‬hand ‬in ‬the ‬fast ‬rising ‬new ‬comic ‬book ‬industry.

Wilford ‬Hamilton ‬Fawcett ‬did ‬not ‬live ‬to ‬see ‬the ‬release ‬of ‬many ‬Fawcett ‬Comics. ‬He ‬died ‬on ‬February ‬7th, ‬1940, ‬not ‬long ‬after ‬Whiz ‬Comics ‬#2 ‬hit ‬the ‬stands. ‬How ‬much, ‬if ‬any, ‬real ‬input '‬Captain ‬Billy' ‬Fawcett ‬had ‬on ‬the ‬comics, ‬I ‬do ‬not ‬know. ‬However, ‬Whiz ‬Comics ‬and ‬possibly ‬Slam-Bang ‬Comics ‬are ‬at ‬least ‬hat-tips ‬to ‬the ‬company'‬s ‬founder.
Title: Cap'‬N ‬Billy'‬s ‬Legacy pt 2 by Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts
Post by: erwin-k on May 31, 2017, 09:10:32 PM
Fourteen ‬Years ‬of ‬Fawcett ‬Comics
Or, ‬Seventy-Seven ‬Years ‬Later: ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays

Fawcett ‬Comics ( ‬began ‬with ‬Whiz ‬Comics ‬#2 ( ‬dated ‬February ‬1940. ‬The ‬final ‬comics ‬seem ‬to ‬have ‬been ‬dated ‬January ‬1954. ‬Like ‬most ‬of ‬new ‬comics ‬publishers, ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬had ‬growing ‬pains.

They ‬even ‬tried ‬a ‬different ‬price-point ‬with Nickel ‬Comics ( ‬Half ‬the ‬pages, ‬at ‬half ‬the ‬price ‬and ‬twice ‬as ‬often. Master ‬Comics (, ‬on ‬the ‬other ‬hand, ‬was ‬over-sized ‬at ‬ten ‬and ‬a ‬half ‬by ‬fourteen ‬inches, ‬but ‬only ‬fifty-two ‬pages.  ‬Nickel ‬Comics ‬only ‬lasted ‬eight ‬issues. ‬Then '‬Bulletman', ‬the ‬cover ‬feature, ‬moved ‬over ‬to ‬the ‬now ‬regular ‬sized, ‬Master ‬Comics. ‬In ‬fact, ‬much ‬like ‬a British ‬comic ‬weekly, ‬Master ‬Comics ‬#7 ( ‬proclaimed "‬Combined ‬with ‬Nickel ‬Comics."

Slam-Bang ‬Comics (, ‬a ‬regular ‬sized ‬book, ‬lasted ‬only ‬seven ‬issues. ‬Some ‬of ‬the ‬features, ‬like ‬'Zoro, ‬the ‬Mystery ‬Man', ‬also ‬moved ‬to ‬Master ‬Comics. ‬The ‬first ‬paper ‬scans ‬of ‬Slam-Bang ‬are ‬included ‬in DCM's ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays.

The ‬early ‬Master ‬Comics ‬had ‬problems. ‬First, ‬besides ‬being ‬a ‬different ‬size, ‬much ‬of ‬the ‬lineup ‬seemed ‬almost ‬copied ‬from ‬the ‬flagship ‬Whiz ‬Comics. ‬You ‬had ‬'The ‬Devil'‬s ‬Dagger', ‬a ‬'Green ‬Hornet' ‬style ‬mystery-man, ‬in ‬place ‬of '‬Spy ‬Smasher'. ‬Then, ‬instead ‬of '‬Golden ‬Arrow', ‬came ‬'Frontier ‬Marshal'. ‬'Shipwreck ‬Roberts' ‬covered ‬the ‬oceans ‬in ‬place ‬of ‬'Lance ‬O'‬Casey'. ‬'El ‬Carim' ‬substituted ‬for '‬Ibis, ‬the ‬Invincible' ‬magician. ‬And ‬then, ‬there ‬was '‬Master ‬Man'. ‬So ‬much ‬like ‬'Superman' ‬that ‬legal ‬action ‬followed.

'Bulletman' ‬prospered ‬in ‬Master ‬Comics. ‬The ‬other ‬transfers ‬mostly ‬used ‬up ‬their ‬inventory ‬stories ‬and ‬vanished. ‬One ‬exception ‬was ‬the '‬Devil'‬s ‬Dagger'. ‬He ‬finally ‬defeated ‬the ‬master ‬crook ‬he ‬had ‬been ‬after ‬and ‬retired ‬as ‬a ‬Masked ‬Avenger.

Then ‬along ‬came '‬Minute ‬Man'. ‬'Buck ‬Jones' ‬remained ‬for ‬awhile. ‬Then, ‬in ‬a ‬multi-magazine/hero ‬event, ‬'Captain ‬Marvel ‬Jr.' ‬became ‬the ‬cover ‬feature ‬of ‬Master. ‬One ‬Fawcett ‬Friday ‬will ‬feature ‬Master ‬Comics ‬#39. ‬This ‬World ‬War ‬Two ‬issue ‬is ‬what ‬most ‬fans ‬associate ‬with ‬Master. ‬You ‬got ‬Junior ‬on ‬the ‬cover, ‬with ‬Bulletman, ‬Minute ‬Man ‬as ‬the ‬other ‬big ‬guns. (‬As ‬the ‬war ‬wound ‬down, '‬Minute ‬Man' ‬departed ‬in ‬Master ‬#49 ( ‬In ‬#50 ‬both ‬'Nyoka, ‬the ‬Jungle ‬Girl', ‬and '‬Radar, ‬the ‬International ‬Policeman' ‬debuted.)

After ‬exiting ‬the ‬comic ‬book ‬end ‬of ‬publishing ‬Fawcett ‬sold ‬much ‬of ‬its ‬story ‬inventory, ‬licensed ‬character ‬rights, ‬and ‬some ‬of ‬the ‬titles ‬to ‬Charlton ‬Comics. ‬Six-Gun ‬Heroes ‬and ‬Hot ‬Rod ‬Comics ‬lasted ‬into ‬the ‬mid-1960'‬s ‬at ‬Charlton. ‬Romantic ‬Stories ‬almost ‬made ‬it ‬to ‬1974.

From ‬Other ‬Sources
Licensed ‬Comic ‬Books

At ‬one ‬time, ‬or ‬another, ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬licensed ‬a ‬number ‬of ‬characters, ‬and ‬real ‬life ‬western ‬actors, ‬for ‬comic ‬book ‬features. ‬These ‬licensed ‬properties ‬are ‬well ‬represented ‬in ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays. ‬Don ‬Winslow ‬of ‬the ‬Navy ‬was ‬a ‬syndicated ‬newspaper ‬comic ‬strip. ‬Two ‬issues ‬debut ‬in ‬the ‬mini-flood. ‬Captain ‬Midnight, ‬a ‬kids ‬radio ‬show, ‬moved ‬over ‬to ‬Fawcett ‬from ‬Dell ‬Comics. ‬Of ‬the ‬many ‬western ‬actors, ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays ‬includes ‬an ‬issue ‬of ‬Gabby ‬Hays ‬Western.

Near ‬the ‬end ‬Fawcett ‬even ‬licensed ‬three ‬TV ‬shows. ‬None ‬lasted ‬long ‬as ‬comics. ‬Maybe ‬the ‬TV ‬shows ‬didn'‬t ‬last ‬long ‬either. ‬Captain ‬Video, ‬from ‬the ‬short ‬lived ‬Dumont ‬TV ‬network ‬ran ‬for ‬six ‬issues.  ‬Mike ‬Barnett, ‬Man ‬Against ‬Crime, ‬also ‬six ‬issues. ‬Maybe ‬it ‬was ‬in ‬the ‬license ‬agreement. ‬Young ‬Eagle ‬did ‬better ‬with ‬ten ‬issues, ‬plus ‬he ‬continued ‬at ‬Charlton. ‬Young ‬Eagle ‬#5 ‬debuts ‬as ‬a ‬part ‬of ‬Fawcett ‬Fridays.

( message pictures/Fawcett Intro Captain Video 01.jpg)
Title: Cap'‬N ‬Billy'‬s ‬Legacy pt 3 by Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts
Post by: erwin-k on May 31, 2017, 09:10:56 PM
Time ‬Changes ‬Fawcett ‬Comics
or, ‬The ‬War ‬is ‬Over. ‬Back ‬to ‬the ‬Home ‬Front

All ‬comic ‬book ‬lines ‬hit ‬some ‬changes ‬when ‬World ‬War ‬Two ‬ended. ‬Many ‬characters ‬were ‬re-purposed. ‬Not ‬all ‬were ‬successful, ‬but ‬some ‬surprised ‬readers ‬with ‬their ‬staying ‬powers.

At ‬Fawcett ‬'Spy ‬Smasher' ‬abruptly ‬became 'Crime ‬Smasher'. ‬What ‬a ‬mess! ‬Alan ‬Armstrong ‬apparently ‬got ‬smacked ‬on ‬the ‬head ‬enough ‬that ‬he ‬forgot ‬all ‬about ‬his ‬high-tech ‬inventions. ‬He ‬forgot ‬his ‬family ‬fortune ‬to ‬become ‬a ‬stereotypical ‬always ‬broke ‬private-eye ‬in ‬a ‬trench-coat. ‬Crime ‬Smasher ‬did ‬not ‬last ‬long ‬in ‬Whiz ‬Comics.

On ‬the ‬other ‬hand, ‬over ‬in Wow ‬Comics ‬#49, ‬the ‬'Phantom ‬Eagle' ‬got ‬tapped ‬to ‬be ‬the ‬Guardian ‬of ‬the ‬World'‬s ‬Airways. ‬He ‬lasted ‬until ‬Wow ‬folded ‬with ‬#69. ‬Neither ‬'Mary ‬Marvel' ‬or ‬'Commando ‬Yank' ‬made ‬it ‬to ‬the ‬end. ( See ‬issue ‬#49 ‬with ‬a ‬mystery ‬guest ‬at ‬HERE! (  )

Fawcett ‬jumped ‬on ‬the ‬western ‬bandwagon ‬with ‬a ‬bunch ‬of ‬titles. ‬They ‬also ‬dabbled ‬in ‬relatively ‬mild ‬horror, ‬crime ‬titles, ‬and ‬even ‬licensed ‬George ‬Pal'‬s ‬Puppetoons ( ‬Plus, ‬Hoppy, ‬the ‬Captain ‬Marvel ‬Bunny ( ‬continued.

In ‬the ‬United ‬States ‬a ‬lot ‬of ‬things ‬began ‬to ‬change ‬at ‬the ‬end ‬of ‬World ‬War ‬Two. ‬In ‬July ‬of ‬1948, ‬that ‬other ‬World ‬War ‬One ‬Captain, ‬President ‬Harry ‬S. ‬Truman ‬signed ‬Executive ‬Order ‬9981 ‬officially ‬ending ‬the ‬segregation ‬of ‬U.S. ‬military ‬forces. ‬This ‬was ‬the ‬year ‬following ‬the ‬integration ‬of ‬Major ‬League ‬Baseball ‬by ‬Jackie ‬Robinson.

How ‬does ‬this ‬relate ‬to ‬Fawcett ‬Comics? ‬A ‬lot, ‬in ‬this ‬writer'‬s ‬opinion.

At ‬the ‬beginnings ‬of ‬Fawcett ‬Comics ‬there ‬were ‬some ‬number ‬of ‬racially ‬stereotyped ‬characters. ‬Billy ‬Batson'‬s ‬valet ‬Steamboat ‬is ‬the ‬best ‬known ‬example. ‬That ‬being ‬said, ‬few, ‬if ‬any, ‬of ‬those ‬were ‬as ‬cringe-worthy ‬as… ‬say, ‬Anthracite ‬over ‬in ‬MLJ'‬s ‬early ‬Hangman ( ‬strips.

Now ‬artist ‬Mac ‬Raboy, ‬probably ‬the ‬most ‬realistic ‬artist ‬at ‬Fawcett, ‬rarely, ‬if ‬ever, ‬did ‬offensive ‬drawings ‬of ‬any ‬human ‬being. ‬This ‬included ‬Hitler, ‬Tojo, ‬and ‬Mussolini. ‬At ‬about ‬the ‬end ‬of ‬his ‬time ‬at ‬Fawcett, ‬the ‬following ‬story ‬is ‬often ‬told.

Freddy ‬Freeman (‬Captain ‬Marvel ‬Jr.) ‬had ‬a ‬birthday ‬party ‬thrown ‬for ‬him ‬in ‬the ‬rough ‬neighborhood ‬where ‬he ‬lived. ‬Raboy ‬included ‬one ‬African-American ‬child ‬in ‬group ‬at ‬the ‬party. ‬An ‬editor ‬told ‬him ‬to ‬remove ‬the ‬kid ‬so ‬as ‬not ‬to ‬offend ‬southern ‬readers. (‬About ‬ten ‬years ‬later ‬the ‬Comics ‬Code ‬told ‬E.C. ‬Comics ‬the ‬same ‬thing.)

Somehow, ‬the ‬story ‬appeared ‬as ‬Raboy ‬drew ‬it.

Something ‬changed ‬at ‬Fawcett. ‬From ‬1949 ‬to ‬1952 ‬Fawcett ‬published ‬six ‬issues ‬of ‬Jackie ‬Robinson ( ‬comics. ‬In ‬1950 ‬came ‬two ‬issues ‬about ‬heavyweight ‬champ ‬Joe ‬Lewis ( ‬In ‬the ‬same ‬time frame ‬they ‬published ‬a ‬number ‬of ‬one-shots ‬telling ‬the ‬stories ‬of ‬several ‬of ‬baseball ‬stars ‬like ‬Yogi ‬Berra ( ‬and ‬Don ‬Newcome ( ‬Roy ‬Campanella ('‬s ‬one ‬shot ‬even ‬told ‬of ‬how ‬he ‬played ‬and ‬coached ‬in ‬Central ‬America ‬before ‬the ‬Major ‬League ‬color ‬barrier ‬fell.

Now, ‬you ‬could ‬argue ‬that ‬comics ‬about ‬star ‬major ‬leaguers ‬were ‬a ‬safe ‬bet. ‬Just ‬about ‬guaranteed ‬to ‬sell. ‬Maybe ‬so. ‬But ‬for ‬June ‬1950 ‬Fawcett ‬released ‬Negro ‬Romances ‬#1. ‬Three ‬issues ‬came ‬out ‬in ‬1950. ‬Nothing ‬pre-sold ‬about ‬that. (‬Watch ‬for ‬issue ‬#1 in a future ‬Fawcett ‬Friday!)

( message pictures/Fawcett Intro Negro Romance.jpg)

Something ‬had ‬changed ‬at ‬Fawcett. ‬Too ‬bad ‬Fawcett ‬got ‬out ‬of ‬comics ‬completely. ‬I ‬like ‬to ‬imagine ‬what ‬might ‬have ‬happened ‬if ‬they ‬held ‬on ‬for ‬a ‬few ‬more ‬years.

-Erwin ‬K. ‬Roberts
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 02, 2017, 10:10:55 AM
Hi K,
Well, I had to change the old banner advertising the FTP access for donations banner on the first of June so yes, the Fawcett banner is early but hey, that give you plenty of time to read Erwin's great intro here alert other Fawcett owners to check their collections for anything they might have that haven't been scanned or could use an upgrade.  There are lots of Fawcett books on the site that could use an upgrade!

Thanks again to everyone who is helping to bring this mini-flood to the site.
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 02, 2017, 10:45:09 AM
Hi Gang,
Here's the first batch of new Fawcett books now up on the site!  Our thanks to Len for the first two:

Master Comics 039 (ifc fiche) -upgrade
Whiz Comics 014 (4 fiche)

And thanks to Kracalactaka & a nonny moose for their work on a very poor copy of this book:

Young Eagle 005 (Fawcett 1951)(c2c)(Kracalactaka-a nonny moose).cbz

We got a great surprise addition to today's debuts from dsdaboss!

Slam_Bang_Comics_06 -dsdaboss.rar

Stay tuned for more next week!
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: darkmark (RIP) on June 02, 2017, 09:23:49 PM
Fawcett's my fave GA company.  Can I hope for some Captain Midnight and Don Winslow here?
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Poztron on June 05, 2017, 12:25:13 AM
Hi Gang!
Welcome to our Fawcett Mini-Flood or Fawcett Fridays for June on DCM.
All this month on each Friday we hope to debut two or maybe even three Fawcett books for you to enjoy.  And if we are lucky perhaps a few surprises might show up from other scanners out there when they see what we are up to here.  ;)

I'm all for having Fawcett Fridays and filling in many of the gaps in DCM's Fawcett comics archive. Fawcett did some interesting stuff... especially the CC Beck Marvel material.

But that said, I will note that Fawcett is one of my least favorite GA publishers. (Sorry. Just being honest.) Why so? Well, a number of (mostly trivial) reasons:

1) Their custom of having the top third of the first page of each comic book they published feature the masthead/colophon information was an eyesore that plagued all their comics. (A similar esthetic flaw was Victor Fox's comics starting their initial stories in each issue with a two-color first page on the IFC.) I realize that probably both publishers did this in a bid to stop sleazy distributors from re-selling supposedly "un-sold" issues, for which Fox or Fawcett would receive nothing. But these were ugly solutions that almost no other publishers bought into.

2) I'm not a big fan of licensed film stars as comic subjects. C'mon, a lot of this material at Fawcett was mediocre at best. I'm not a big fan of much of the licensed material that filled up many Dell comics (or Harvey comics, for that matter,) either.

3) My subjective impression is that Fawcett comics' printing and coloring was not top-grade. (I have a similar opinion of the ACG (American Comics Group) comic books. I love many of their comics and artists (Ogden Whitney!), but I don't think much of their coloring limitations nor their overall printing quality.)

Well, that's enough for now, and probably too much.

Again, I'm all for the Fawcett Fridays, etc. The more completely we can fill out DCM, the better for our understanding of comics' history and art.  My thanks to everyone who contributes to the effort.

Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 05, 2017, 10:00:16 AM
Hi Poz,
Thanks for sharing even if Fawcett isn't your cup of tea.  Like you not everything on DCM is something I'm dying to read either but as you say, we are shooting for everything in the public domain so any holes we can fill are very welcome!

In this Fawcett flood there will be a handful of holes filled including the first Negro Romance and some Slam-Bangs which is great!

Stay tuned!
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 07, 2017, 08:21:46 AM
New today and for the rest of the month - it's Whiz-Bang Wednesday!
We've managed to get enough of these precomics Fawcett books to give them their own day.  :)
Now up -
- Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang v03 #03 (1922-06)
- Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang v02 #17 (1921-02)

But remember - these are from a time when America was a different place with different sensibilities. 
These are not politically correct in any way and might be offensive to some of our members. 
And these were Not made for children.

Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 07, 2017, 10:03:48 AM
Thanks K!
People will be getting a thorough lesson on turn of the century humour and learn a lot of olllld jokes.

And yes, if you  have any Whiz-Bangs not on DCM please already us before you upload.  We do have several still to be shared.
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 09, 2017, 11:55:20 AM
Also new for our second Fawcett Friday -

Negro Romance 01 [Fawcett June 1950]Soothsayr-Novus+Kracalactaka.cbz
Romantic Story 16 [Fawcett May 1952]DaveH.cbz
Whiz Comics 013 [Fawcett1941][fiche ifc,ibc] -Richard Kahl-RH-Yoc.cbz
Young Eagle 08 (Fawcett FEB 1952) Kracalactaka - a nonny moose.cbz

Dave's Romantic Story completes the Fawcett run of this title that went on in life published by Charlton.

Thanks to everyone who contributed!  Special thanks to Richard Kahl for allowing us to scan his comic for sharing this month!
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 14, 2017, 09:07:20 AM
New to the Fawcett Mini-Flood -

- Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang v02 #22 (1921-07)
- Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang V02 #24 (1921-09)
- Whiz Comics 142 (diff ver) -upgrade

Thanks to Krac for uploading the Whiz Bangs.
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 16, 2017, 07:42:10 AM
Here's this weeks Friday books -

Slam-Bang 001 [Fawcett1940][3fiche]-c2c -Rangerhouse-Yoc.cbz
Whiz Comics 041[Fawcett1942][part_fiche] -srca1941.cbz
Young Eagle 07 [Fawcett Dec 1951] -Kracalactaka - a nonny moose.cbz

Many thanks to everyone for their work on these,
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 21, 2017, 08:25:31 PM
Thanks very much for announcing the new Whiz-Bang K and especially for all the extra content you are linking to.
It sure illustrates what a variety of books they published over their very long life.  The comics were just tip of the iceberg.

Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 23, 2017, 05:35:56 AM
The first of today's Fawcett Friday update -

Don Winslow 027 (Fawcett1945)soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz
Wow Comics 007 [Fawcett1942]-c2c  -KrankyBoy-RH+Yoc.cbz
Wow Comics 053 [Fawcett1947] -Krankyboy-RH-DaveH.cbz
Gabby Hayes Western 018 (Fawcett1950)(c2c)Kracalactaka-a nonny moose.cbz

Our thanks to Krankyboy for buying and letting DCM scan his two Fawcett books for our mini-flood!

Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: krankyboy on June 23, 2017, 01:38:08 PM
Our thanks to Krankyboy for buying and letting DCM scan his two Fawcett books for our mini-flood!


My thanks to Rangerhouse for scanning as well as Yoc and Dave H. for the edits. Glad I could contribute, and very nice work everyone!  :)

- KB
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 28, 2017, 09:11:56 AM
Here's the last of our Whiz-Bang Wednesdays, part of the Fawcett Mini-Flood we've had this month.

Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang v01 #11 (1920-08)
Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang v02 #16 (1921-01).cbz
Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang Winter Annual 1921-22 -OtherEric.cbz

Special thanks to OtherEric for scanning his MASSIVE Winter Annual for us and Krac for uploading several of them he found on

Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: OtherEric on June 28, 2017, 11:47:03 AM
I hope people find the Whiz Bang annual interesting; at least.  I can't say I think the material has aged well.

I have to wonder how well the thing sold.  One Dollar was NOT cheap 95 years ago.
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: OtherEric on June 28, 2017, 06:07:52 PM
No argument with either of your comments, Krac.  I do believe the material is both fascinating and worth preserving; I just think large chunks of it range from no longer funny to actively unpleasant. There are still a few good bits in there, such as the history of the magazine you mention.  Heck, I think there were even a couple of jokes that amused.
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: erwin-k on June 29, 2017, 08:59:56 AM
Before heading here I commented about the Annual's Editorial on the issue's page.
Title: A BIG Finish to our Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 30, 2017, 10:35:43 AM
Hi Gang,
Here it is, the final Fawcett Friday and WOW (!) what a big finish!  Here's the what is new today -

Capt Marvel Adventures 042 [Fawcett1944] -PWebb-CBpop.cbz
Capt Marvel Story Book 001 (paper)[Fawcett1946] -PWebb-CBpop.cbz
Don Winslow 029
Hoppy the Marvel Bunny 006 (Fawcett 1946)(c2c)(Kracalactaka-a nonny moose).cbz
Romantic Secrets 002 Fawcett Dec 1949 JVJ-RH-Krac.cbz
Romantic Secrets 003 Fawcett Feb 1950 JVJ-RH-Krac.cbz
Romantic Secrets 014 Fawcett Jan 1951 JVJ-RH-Krac.cbz
Romantic Secrets 033 Fawcett Aug 1952 JVJ-RH-Krac.cbz
Slam-Bang 05 [Fawcett1940][2fiche]-c2c -RH+Yoc.cbz
Whiz Comics 023 (paper)
Whiz Comics 028 (Fawcett 1942)(part_fiche)  -srca1941.cbz
Wow Comics 032  -dsdaboss.rar
Young Eagle 03 [Fawcett Apr 1951] -Kracalactaka - a nonny moose.cbz

A HUGE thank-you to everyone who helped out with scans for this mini-flood.  It turned out to be bigger than we expected.
A shout-out to Paul Webb for sharing some of his books with CBpop for the flood.  We hope to see more in the future from this noted Fawcett Fan.

And thanks again to Erwin for his fun introduction to the flood found at the start of this thread.  It's always a treat to hear his thoughts on our hobby.

Take care all,
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: erwin-k on June 30, 2017, 05:38:11 PM
Thanks Yoc! The assignment was fun.

What a Fawcett Friday Finish(tm)!!
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: darkmark (RIP) on June 30, 2017, 06:30:29 PM
Don't turn off the Fawcett!!
Title: Re: Introduction to Fawcett Fridays in June 2017
Post by: Yoc on June 30, 2017, 07:50:44 PM
There might be a few stranglers but the 'official' Fawcett Fridays is now done.  Sorry DM.